The world’s most trusted engagement and survey platform


Making the world more thoughtful, one community
at a time.

In 2009, our team set out to help organizations around the world unlock collective intelligence to solve their challenges. We aim to provide a platform for extraordinary respect and thoughtful discussion on even the most complex and divisive topics. Now thousands of leaders are gaining insights and bringing millions of people together in the business, public, and education sectors using ThoughtExchange.
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Trusted by the world's most advanced organizations.


Curious about
our culture?

Since our founding more than a decade ago in the small ski town of Rossland, BC, we’ve expanded our remote-first company to include a distributed workforce across North America. We operate our workplace on our core values of extraordinary respect and generous curiosity, because we want our employees to be our biggest champions.
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What we’re committed to.

We’re committed to a world that includes everyone’s perspectives on the decisions that affect them. We want employees to feel heard and valued, communities to listen to diverse voices, and leaders to build inclusion and anti-bias into their decision-making. We’re committed to internal and external initiatives around Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Social Impact Partnerships with select nonprofits, charities, grassroots coalitions, and Indigenous-led organizations.

What Makes Us, US


How it works

See how we make it simple to build inclusion into the way you do business with our planning, scheduling, and analysis tools.
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Why it works

With us in your tech stack, you can scale the actual human perspective into high-quality data to solve your most critical business problems.
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Our customers

See how our business, public, and education leaders get just-in-time, unbiased insights from their teams and communities.
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Events & webinars

Get insights from your peers, collaborate on solving business problems and community issues, and make valuable career connections.
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Scaling Conversations

Discover what your communities, stakeholders, and employees really think with this indispensable resource from our CEO and co-founder.
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Resource library

Access our library of guides, playbooks, use cases, and more to see ThoughtExchange in action.
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Join our team.

ThoughtExchange keeps growing to meet the needs of our customers, and we’ve been waiting for you! Come help us solve interesting and complex problems as you grow, learn, and succeed.

Gain clarity, not clutter.
Turn insights into action today.